Everything born or created has an origin story. These blogs describe how each project began, and why they ended up going in a particular direction.

Origin of the Exodus

2/3/25, 11:38 PM

I like having no plan. All of my plans for my life have failed. Even when I got some of the things I wanted, I couldn't keep them.

Origin of Spring in Sandtown

11/4/24, 6:23 PM

It's weird to miss something that didn't always treat you well. I have feelings for West Baltimore that seem to be similar to the feelings I've seen other females have toward questionable boyfriends.

Origin of the Garden of Dreams

11/4/24, 6:19 PM

Trauma isn't triggered by experiencing the same event. It is the snake that slithers into your mind to remind you that the world is, at times, a horrible place.

Origin of Surviving Sandtown

11/4/24, 5:56 PM

I made this collage in an effort to depict the fear of something that cannot be controlled and the vastness of it. A fear that lasts beyond one night, beyond a singular event, beyond one block, and into the abyss of West Baltimore.

Origin of Lab Work

11/4/24, 12:00 PM

The straight path is a lie designed to numb the senses. It allows you to believe you're doing the right thing for yourself because it's easy to navigate, not because it fills the spaces in your heart.

Origin of Rose from Concrete

11/4/24, 11:04 AM

Every collage is like a puzzle. Only instead of trying to replicate a known object, I'm trying to piece together an unknown outcome. I have a lot of struggles with every project, and I enjoy that process enough to endure them.

Origin of Coping

11/4/24, 9:56 AM

Most people are resistant to change. It scares them. More often than not, though, it yields an exquisite outcome.

Origin of Tea Ceremony

11/4/24, 2:08 AM

The cup of tea that opens the doorway to the past may be small in stature, but even small doorways can be dangerous.

Origin of the Harvest

11/3/24, 8:51 PM

I've come to understand that the collages are a byproduct of internal turmoil. I don't necessarily think that's a good thing, but you'd be surprised by the number of people who have said that it is.

Origin of Escape from Shangri-La

11/3/24, 7:58 PM

Any step forward is progress because it can lead to somewhere you didn't expect to go. In the end, it's your expectations that will ruin you, not the steps you took.

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